January 2024 Welcome to your New Year, Author
It’s a new year! Did you dive in with enthusiasm on Tuesday morning, January 2 to work your plan for 2024 when the workaday world officially started the year?
Well, I didn’t.
I certainly got going with some energy this week on the to-do list, as I’m working on several important things with upcoming deadlines. But that’s not the new year enthusiasm I mean.
I’m often excited for a new year, but to be honest today I’m feeling a bit frustrated because I haven’t yet gotten my dream plan in place for what I pray this new year will bring me and Buoyancy PR.
Later I’ll come back with more about Buoyancy, but enough about me just now. Let’s talk about you.
Do you have your 2024 plan in place?
I don’t mean your professional, fitness, family, or spiritual life plan.
I mean the plan for you as an author.
Because as an author, or a writer working toward being an author, you need a plan that’s separate from your personal or other professional goals.
Others more savvy than me have spoken about the need to start seeing yourself as what you want to become, then believe in yourself and take steps in that direction.
This prayerful planning is a gift you give yourself.
You won’t find me advising on many specifics, especially about your writing goals themselves, though I suspect you may have already scheduled or in some other way written out the plan for what you are going to write and when.
Possibly you’ll be including other actions you want to be brave enough to take, such as joining a writers’ group, or even finding a publisher. There is plenty of trustworthy help out there to help you take the next steps.
And, get your calendar involved. Some of those goals might need research or prep to note event dates and participation deadlines. Are you dreaming of attending a writers’ conference, or a training course offered by membership groups? Do you want to enter your book in a book award competition? What about events to consider attending or at which to promote your books (such as the Christian Products Expos and NRB, the National Religious Broadcasters convention)?
So, if you don’t have a plan for your author year, I’m just here to encourage you to make one. If it feels scary or presumptuous, no one else has to even know.
Wherever you are in this process, of one thing I am sure.
There is power in taking your next best step, even when you can’t see what’s beyond that.
Dream big, and dream praying and listening to God with anticipation. I’m praying for you, too, as you move into this year, and gift yourself with a dream plan for your 2024 author year.
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