August 2024 NRB: It’s Right Around the Corner
Ready for something big?
How would you like to meet face to face and possibly be interviewed by some of the thousands of representatives from the Christian media from all over the world, with those interviews resulting in your story being told to thousands or millions?
That’s what happens at the NRB International Media Convention each year. If you read these notes from time to time, you may remember hearing about this here before.
Here in the Buoyancy shop, we are getting excited as we are back to preparing for our participation in NRB 2025, by far the biggest project of the year we work on for our author clients, and the largest gathering of Christian media in the world.
It’s coming right up.
We are now doing the detailed planning and realized some of you reading this need some additional info now as well.
So, when is it and what is it?
The convention will be held Monday – Thursday, February 24 – 27, 2025 at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas in the Dallas area.
Does that seem like a long time away?
Well, it’s not. It’s right around the corner.
As NRB states on its convention website, “Whether you work in radio, TV, film, church media, or digital marketing, the NRB International Christian Media Convention is a can’t-miss event.”
And NRB continues on an upswing. Like many other large events, it’s taken a few years to put the shadow of Covid behind it. For 2024, NRB reported attendance of almost 5,000 people, an increase of more than 15% over the prior year. And they expect 2025 to do as well or even better.
Each year NRB provides an opportunity for all of us involved in Christian communication to gather to learn, fellowship and share the messages God has given us.
For authors, NRB provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet and mingle with the Christian media for interviews and networking at book signing events.
Without a doubt NRB is the most exciting and productive experience I have with author clients each year. Buoyancy PR participates by taking an exhibition booth in order to give some authors the opportunity to obtain interviews, providing them with professional representation and a press kit as we typically garner 10-15 interviews per author, sometimes more.
Exhibiting also offers other advantages. Authors have their books displayed in our booth, featuring a prominent display and large book graphic, plus place to work and meet with people and booth visitors from the media, plus are able to do book signing events as part of the NRB official program, and put their book into the hands of approximately 100 Christian media industry professionals.
In addition to the interaction possible at such a special gathering, with awe and some wonder I also say this: God shows up. And you just never know what may result.
In previous years we have seen amazing moments of ministry between our authors and people God puts in their path, as well as contacts made that led to additional projects and ministries. One author’s NRB experience was used by God to launch him into international speaking engagements in 14 countries to date.
However, the NRB commitment is not for everyone, and it is a significant investment. Only a few authors each year can participate with us. Here’s what one of them said:
“I went to my first National Religious Broadcasters convention in 2023 with Joni Sullivan Baker and Buoyancy Public Relations. Joni told me that NRB was a unique experience, and she was not wrong! The access to media that Joni provided was so helpful in promoting my book and our new online courses. It would not have been possible without Joni. I did 22 interviews in 3 days! With a professional press kit and the credibility that only a good publicist can provide, my first NRB was a resounding success.”
–David Richardson, President, Assumptions Institute and
author of Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You
Is this your year?
If you want to talk further about this, please reach out.
And soon. Because major events take a lot of planning, and they warrant it because of their significance and what they accomplish.
In addition, there are upcoming deadlines for some things, so we are looking for all author participation commitments to be made by November 20 to maximize opportunities and meet at least one early December NRB deadline. Other active work will begin in early January and will requirepreparation.
If you are interested in this incredible opportunity, please let us know and we’ll set up a time to talk to get you more information.
Because it’s definitely time to start thinking about NRB.
I look forward to hearing from some of you for whom this needs to be considered. And my space is limited, so don’t wait too long to contact me.
And I’ll ask you again: Is this your year?
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