December 2024 It’s December! Three to Get Ready
Today, on the first Friday in December, we’re going to encourage you to consider some decisions to make this month for action now and in coming months.
And we’ll start our list of ‘three to get ready” with the announcement of a coming brand-new opportunity.
December for January: Refreshed Christian Media special opportunity
Although we don’t talk about it very often, our sister site Refreshed Christian Media provides an opportunity for promoting your book at a modest cost if you already have your press materials prepared.
Through Refreshed Christian Media, your news release is sent out nationwide to a list of more than 1000 Christian media outlets. Normally, we cannot guarantee results, but in January, in cooperation with a partner, you will be guaranteed at least one radio interview if you opt to distribute your news release through Refreshed. We will only be able to accept a limited number of bookings for this and will begin accepting reservations next week.
Because it’s a special opportunity, we are going to send out an additional note with the particulars of this offer as a separate standalone note next week. Be watching for that additional midweek email from Buoyancy PR outlining the details and pricing on this before our next Friday’s regular newsy community email.
Note also – if you are interested in this but don’t have a news release written, be sure to read the email on this offer anyway as additional services to help with creating a news release are also available.
December for February: NRB options still available
NRB! Imagine being able to meet, mingle and interview view some of the more than 5,000 Christian media professionals expected to attend the 2025 National Religious Broadcasters convention. If you are a regular reader here, you know that Buoyancy PR has a major commitment to and appreciation for this special trade show.
We will be exhibiting, and still have room in our booth for a few authors who want their book publicized at an exhibition booth with their own graphic panel, have an official NRB book signing, and above all, interview with media through the coordination of Buoyancy PR. Typically, our participating authors obtain 10-15 interviews over just a few days, plus make amazing contacts for future opportunities. We have received some additional information from NRB with expanded deadlines so wanted to be sure to share that with you, but to guarantee a book signing with your name printed in the program, you need to make a decision in December. NRB will be February 24-27, 2025, at the Gaylord Texan in the Dallas area.
December for December: Christmas sales
Then finally – one additional note about the next few weeks. If you are an author of one book or many, by now I trust you’ve thought about how your book would make a great gift to put under someone’s tree. But I’ve been chatting with several authors in the past week or so who haven’t actually considered their book as a gift possibility. It bears thinking about.
The way I describe it is, at this time of year just about everyone is shopping for someone and even non-book buyers have readers for whom they buy gifts. They are looking for easily accessed, easily shipped – even easily wrapped – gifts like books.
So be sure to share some ideas about who your book would be perfect for in some upcoming social media posts, on your website, and consider sale pricing, two for one deals, or special things like autographing the books, maybe even wrapping or delivering the books locally.
And there you have it – ‘three to get ready. “
If something of these “three to get ready” topics sparked a thought and you want to talk further, let’s jump on a call. You can schedule that here, or in the link below.
Oh, one more thing we can’t resist including. If you recognized the expression, you also remember the “one for the money, two for the show” lines that precede it. And that might have some of you now singing “Blue Suede Shoes” under your breath, a tune for which composer Carl Perkins borrowed the words, actually an English children’s rhyme, for his rockabilly song immortalized by Elvis.
One for the money
Two for the show
Three to get ready
Now go, cat, go
No idea how Perkins got to that lyric, but one thing I am pretty sure about — the English school children version didn’t have the line ending with “go, cat, go.”
But it is our advice to you in this busy December season, at least in terms of taking action and taking advantage of this month for thinking about ways to promote your book.
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