November 2021 Giving Thanks
In this season of being thankful, it truly is good for the soul to look around and be aware of the blessings we receive when other people are gracious, giving, forgiving, kind and compassionate.
But then look also at your own life. Be aware that when you go just a bit out of your way to be kind to a stranger, not criticize a worker who deserved it, or extend grace to a co-worker or friend, you are the hands and feet of God and someone to be thankful for.
You may not be aware of the gifts you are generously giving, but I’m aware of them and thankful.
In this season of thanks, it seemed a good time to say so.
Because like many other people whose lives you are blessing, I’m aware of receiving these expressions of grace and kindness, and they are incredibly important to me, especially right now.
My life is currently a bit complicated.
Although I’ve tried to minimize references to it because it is seemingly endless, if you’ve been paying attention you may recall that my husband and I sold our house and are relocating. You probably thought that was over long ago, but alas, no, that endless project does continue.
So on a practical level, my life of suitcases and boxes is pretty complicated and stretched out over multiple states. However, in addition to moving, my husband just had surgery in the last week or so.
Yes, it is kind of ridiculous timing but sometimes that’s the way things happen.
Some days I feel my tank is not only depleted but has morphed into silicone and is also being stretched a bit too far.
However, then there are the splashes of blessings.
That tank has been refilled by a steady stream of kindnesses and help from family, friends, clients and strangers. It’s proof in whispers that God hasn’t forgotten us, as continuing and remarkable expressions of God’s love and care for us have come from the kindnesses and grace, large gestures and small ones, that people have poured into my life in the recent days.
And when I think of you, it’s what I’m most thankful for in this season.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and we will be back in December to discuss 2022 and the exciting opportunities ahead for all of us in the new year.
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