June 2024 CPE! Christian Bookstores, Authors, Publishers, Marketers, and Media to Meet
If you are an author, have you had any media interviews? If you have been lucky enough to have any, and if they were with a radio program, chances are the interview was over the phone.
Would you be ready for a face-to-face interview? Do you know what’s expected of you?
What are you doing in early August?
At CPE 2023 in Lexington (pictured above), radio journalist Paul Ladd of World Christian interviews authors Carolyn Snelling (L.) and Tiarra Tompkins.
August 4-6 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, the Christian Retail Association’s Summer 2024 Christian Product Expo (CPE) will bring together the year’s biggest gathering of bookstore folks, publishers and authors – plus marketers and media – meeting face to face at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.
CPE is an exciting and inspiring few days. Of course, the main purpose for the gathering is for Christian retail stores to see new product and place orders for Christian books, gifts, and other items such as toys and greeting cards. It’s not the only way stores order product, but it’s that face to face, having the books in hand aspect that appeals.
But unlike products displayed at trade shows in other industries, books have authors: living, breathing people who are passionate about the message God has given them to write. No one can represent a book like its author.
Thus, in my opinion, it’s authors who make CPE special. It’s a special joy for both the authors and the other industry professionals to meet authors and hear from their hearts.
Media folks who interview authors agree. They increasingly come to CPE to interview during the days of the show.
And organizations like Buoyancy PR are also there to help authors get more attention through a display booth as well as by coordinating media interviews. We provide a place for just a few authors to have their own graphic and book display, as well as a place to work from to meet bookstore representatives during the show, generally while their publisher takes book orders at their busy booths.
Buoyancy also represents the authors to the media, obtaining interview commitments and coordinating details. We also come alongside the authors to smooth the way for them, many of whom are doing their first ever in-person interviews.
Plus, this year, Buoyancy PR is adding to its offerings for authors by providing additional promotion outside of CPE to obtain interviews and maximize visibility for clients. Let us know if you want to know more about these opportunities as we are seeking to finalize our author roster by the end of this month.
If CPE is new to you, and even if you aren’t yet a published author, you should consider purchasing a ticket to attend at least one day of the show. While in an informal and friendly atmosphere, you’ll be able to participate in author training, become familiar with publishers, learn from bookstore owners what they look for in a successful product, and benefit from meeting other authors.
And it’s fun and uplifting, offering movie previews, Christian entertainer performances and good food at shared meals. You’ll come away with a better sense of the Christian retail market and may even be inspired with ideas for future books. Check out the website, cpeshow.com.
Let us know if you want to know more about CPE and how you might participate with Buoyancy PR at CPE this August.
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