Showing up as an author means you need these three things. Are you a new author? Do you have your print collateral? Sorry to do that to you if that was a new term. I realize if you are a new author, you are in the middle of a season of being bombarded with unfamiliar terms and info, new things to think about...

Coming from a corporate background without any study in how to run a business, I’m learning a lot of basic things the hard way.Here’s one truth I was reflecting on again as I interacted with new contacts during the time period around NRB: Not every client is a right fit for me.Some of you are wondering why this obvious truth...

It was busy, buzzy, never quiet long at the Buoyancy PR booth at NRB last week. It was the busiest and highest energy NRB I can remember experiencing. Our four booth authors each had a book signing and then also an author Meet and Greet time at our booth where they met more people, and signed and gave away more books....

Recently I’ve had the privilege of helping a new author-illustrator launch her first book, a kids’ storybook about her real-life pet pig. In the books, the pig (whose name is Bacon) has a pink, heart-shaped nose and the heart motif is everywhere. Naturally, when the book’s release date moved to mid-January, she moved into promotion with a Valentine’s Day theme. The news release...

Coming to you over the weekend to share something about those two words above. I found them in scripture this week and kept thinking about them. I decided to share them as a reminder and encouragement to all of us as we round the corner on finishing the first month of 2024. Here are the words again: KindnessTruthI loved those words as instructions...

If you are an author, you need to do book signings.In your home community when the book launches, you can have a book signing at church or a local bookstore.You might decide you want to travel to bookstores across your region. You might connect with bookstores who attend the Christian Retail Show and would welcome an author coming in their...

OK, it’s back to work. As we all settle into the year, and especially for any authors preparing to attend the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) Convention next month, authors are preparing to promote their books, or working with the professionals who will be doing so on their behalf. Today we are going back to basics and doing another quick refresher on...

It’s a new year! Did you dive in with enthusiasm on Tuesday morning, January 2 to work your plan for 2024 when the workaday world officially started the year? Well, I didn’t. I certainly got going with some energy this week on the to-do list, as I’m working on several important things with upcoming deadlines. But that’s not the new year enthusiasm...

Did you have a good year? Yes, it’s that close to the end that we speak of it in past tense. To be honest, I’m a bit surprised to be here already. This has been a year that slipped past quickly. So, it’s the time to take stock and review God’s blessings. In the Buoyancy shop we were thankful for our involvement in NRB...