Welcome to the Buoyancy PR blog.


Get to know us better by dipping into our blog, a somewhat regular selection of thoughts and musings intended to be of interest to those who like to think about their own Author Journey and who may be curious about Christian retail events.

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And the winner is… Have you considered entering your book in a book contest? One of the standard bits of wisdom authors are taught is that an award for your book will draw attention and help boost sales because it...

So how aware are you of this community? Maybe you or those you love participate in the Christian homeschooling community, but if not or it’s been a while, have you considered this committed and caring community of families? For many...

So let’s say you are an author, or a writer preparing for getting your first book out, but you aren’t one who normally spends a lot of time on social media. How do you get started? And to cut to the chase,...