On Having a Team

Recently, an author client of mine forwarded me an email she had written titled “Good Morning 11/6”, saying she thought I might like to see an example of one of her weekly updates.

It was fascinating and encouraging to me to see all of what is going on in Nicki Corinne White’s ministry with the support of her ministry team.

How did the team come about? And what do they do?

When Nicki was writing her first book seven years ago, she attended a writer’s conference where she was introduced to the concept of having a team.

It was great advice, she says.

“Every writer needs a team. There are so many things that you don’t know.”

Beyond a launch team, author Nicki has a ministry team that has functioned since she wrote that first book. The team has changed over the years but continues to consistently provide support for each new title release, not only at the launch but also while the book is being developed, and years after its release.

In her opinion, everyone needs people to fill in the gaps for what they don’t know.

“Everyone needs a support network.”

When she got back from the writer’s conference, she reached out to her church and community friends and at first there were six volunteers on her team for her first book, a memoir sharing her story of how God has touched her life.

Today, there is even a larger team, part of them a prayer team, that take on tasks to support Nicki and her ministry.

Because that’s the other thing. Nicki’s books are part of a growing ministry of serving and speaking, helping others learn how to witness and serve God more effectively. After her first book shared about her life, the second demonstrated ways to serve others.

NIcki’s third book, called BOLD, was birthed during Covid, and set the course for her ministry, now operating under the banner of Live Boldly Ministries.

BOLD aims to inspire Christians to live out their faith. Since she was doing the writing during Covid, she also added a 45-week video series on You Tube, and now workbooks to go with them.

Volume two just released this past week.

By the time Volume three releases sometime next year, Nicki will have written and published six books.

She’s kind of amazed at how this has occurred and how her team has grown.

Her team encourages her and participates in serving others in joint ministry, but the mostly-volunteer team also includes those who bring skills in photography, social media, administration, and website design and management.  Of course, not all teams include people with expertise like this.

“You need to realize you can’t do it all alone,” Nicki says. ‘’You are not gifted at every single thing, you can’t do everything on your own, you need people to help.”

She believes the team also has helped her grow the ministry and even sell more books, because of the networking and activities in which the group gets involved.

But how do you find the people? You pray, you ask them, and you cajole, and then you express appreciation for their efforts. Some of these skills you can hire people to help with, and you probably should. But the team for Nicki provides invaluable counsel and personal encouragement to help her over rough patches when the going seems too tough.

And she’s careful to not ask too much of the team, and to show appreciation for their work and support, recognizing they consider their role part of their own Christian service.

Maybe one key takeaway is that when you do feel like it’s too much for you to manage on your own, you are probably right and need some supporters to provide counsel, ideas and encouragement.

Note also that for Nicki, none of this happened overnight. She’s been working on her books and ministry –and with a team – for seven years so far. So be patient with yourself and the journey God leads you on.

Is a team a good idea for you too? Something to think and pray about.

Originally sent as an email to the Buoyancy community on November 10, 2023.
Joni Sullivan Baker
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